Eased service delivery and corruption control main responsibility, says Home Minister

Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Narayankaji Shrestha has said that good governance with easy service delivery and corruption control are his major priorities.
During an introductory meeting with media persons at the Ministry of Home Affairs today, DPM Shrestha said that there will be no compromise on the reforms of home administration while also ensuring good governance and easy service delivery.
He expressed his determination to free the home administration and the police from the influence of political and power centers. Stating that the police administration is for the country and its people, he expressed his belief to bring about changes in the access to the home administration for those who have been deprived of it. “For this employees will be trained and human resource will be added where necessary,” he said.
The Home Minister pledged to work seriously for controlling crimes and abuse of drugs, reforming prisons and making immigration technology-friendly. “Making acquiring of citizenship certificate easier and faster is my priority, he said while pointing out that efforts are being made to forge a national consensus on some issues concerning citizenship.
Shrestha also shared some work has already been started towards addressing the concerns and demands of the loan-sharking victims.
Meanwhile, a committee has been formed to study the clash that took place between usury victims and the police in the capital on Monday. The government has also arranged for free medical treatment of the injured, Shrestha said.