Have worked to create hope on economy, says outgoing Finance Minister

In a recent farewell meeting with Finance Ministry officials on Sunday, outgoing Finance Minister Barshaman Pun expressed satisfaction with his four-month tenure and outlined key highlights of the upcoming fiscal year’s budget. Pun, also a leader of the Maoist Centre, emphasized that the budget aims to rejuvenate the economy, particularly by fostering hope among the private sector and youth.

“I have crafted this budget to instill hope. I am content with my tenure of four months and one week,” Pun remarked during the gathering. He underscored the collaborative nature of the budget’s preparation, involving multiple stakeholders, and expressed confidence in its effective implementation.

Highlighting key sectors, Pun noted that while agriculture, hydropower, tourism, and manufacturing remain priorities, the budget places a significant emphasis on the information technology sector. “Our geographic positioning gives us a competitive edge in the IT sector,” he added.

Looking forward, Pun pledged to support his successor in implementing reforms based on his experiences and lessons learned during his ministerial tenure.


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