Home Minister’s Press Briefing: Delayed Start, Achievements Presented, Questions Skipped

Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Rabi Lamichhane convened a press briefing today to highlight the achievements of his 100-day tenure. The event, scheduled for half past two, saw Minister Lamichhane arriving an hour and a half late.

During the briefing, Minister Lamichhane, accompanied by various ministry officials, presented a comprehensive 19-page report detailing accomplishments ranging from the recovery of government land to the retrieval of weapons.

Throughout the session, ministry officials elaborated on their respective areas of expertise while the Home Minister interjected with additional comments. At the conclusion of the briefing, Minister Lamichhane shared his concluding remarks.

Despite the extensive presentation, journalists arrived with numerous inquiries. However, when pressed for answers, Minister Lamichhane appeared reluctant.

Regarding questions about the arrest of Sirohiya and the alleged involvement of Arju Rana in the Tikapur land encroachment, the Home Minister remained reticent, offering only vague and diplomatic responses asserting impartiality in legal matters.

Journalists persisted in seeking clarity, prompting Minister Lamichhane to dismissively remark, “This is not a press meet, but a press briefing, as indicated in the invitation.”

With that statement, Minister Lamichhane abruptly stood up and left the gathering, leaving journalists without the opportunity for further questions.


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