Hupsekot Rural Municipality Paves the Way for a Bright Future for Daughters

In a heartwarming initiative, Hupsekot Rural Municipality in Nawalparasi (Bardaghat Susta East) has taken a significant step toward securing the future of young girls in the community. As part of its visionary “Golden Future of Our Daughters” program, the municipality has successfully opened bank accounts with a deposit of Rs 5,000 in the names of 256 daughters.

This inspiring program, which began in the fiscal year 2077/78 BS, aims to empower girls from birth by ensuring they have a financial foundation for their future. The municipality deposits Rs 5,000 into each account, matched by an additional Rs 5,000 from the parents. This initiative not only encourages savings but also fosters a culture of financial responsibility and planning for higher education among young girls.

Chair of Hupsekot Rural Municipality, Laxmi Devi Pandey, proudly shared that a total of Rs 1.28 million has been deposited into these accounts so far. “The program has seen remarkable growth,” Pandey noted. “We began by opening accounts for 38 girls in 2077/78 BS, 59 in 2078/79, 97 in 2079/80, and most recently, 62 in 2080/81.”

After birth registration at the ward office, the municipality ensures that a bank account is opened in the name of each girl child. The guardian is designated as the custodian of the account, ensuring that the funds are managed responsibly until the girl is ready to use them.

Chair Pandey emphasized that the program was designed with the hope that the money saved would be used to provide higher education for the daughters. “By instilling the habit of saving from an early age, we hope to enable our daughters to pursue further studies and achieve their dreams,” she said.

This forward-thinking initiative is not just about financial security; it’s about building a brighter, more promising future for the daughters of Hupsekot Rural Municipality, empowering them to become educated, independent, and successful individuals.


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