Light rainfall, snowfall forecast

Most of the places across the country are likely to have cloudy skies today while there is the possibility of light rainfall at some places of the eastern part due to the influence of westerly wind.
Similarly, light snowfall is also forecast in mountainous regions. A meteorologist at the Metrological Forecasting Division, Manju Basi, shared that weather in most places is cloudy due to the influence of westerly wind.
Basi further said the westerly wind entered Nepal since Friday evening and is to exit gradually from Sunday.
According to the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology, the sky in Province 1, Madhes and Bagmati Provinces is now generally cloudy. There is also the possibility of light rainfall at some places of Province 1, Madhes, Bagmati and Lumbini Provinces as well as brief snowfall at a few places in mountainous areas.
Likewise, brief snowfall is predicted at some places of Province 1, Gandaki, and Karnali Provinces in the night. The temperature of Kathmandu Valley is now 16 degree Celsius.