Lumbini Province to Unveil Policies and Programmes for Upcoming Fiscal Year

The Lumbini province is set to unveil its policies and programmes for the upcoming fiscal year 2081/82 today. The much-anticipated announcement will outline the province’s strategic plans and initiatives for the year ahead.

According to Durlav Kumar Pun, the Secretary of the Lumbini Province Assembly, Province Chief Amik Sherchan will present the annual policies and programmes of the provincial government. This significant event is scheduled to take place during the province assembly meeting at 11:00 AM this morning.

The presentation is expected to cover a range of areas critical to the province’s development, including economic strategies, infrastructure projects, social welfare initiatives, and environmental conservation efforts. Stakeholders and citizens alike are looking forward to learning about the government’s priorities and planned actions for fostering growth and development in Lumbini province.

Stay tuned for further updates and detailed coverage of the policies and programmes as they are unveiled.


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