Media Coalition Condemns Arrest of Kailash Sirohiya, Issues Five-Point Letter to PM

In the wake of the controversial arrest of Kailash Sirohiya, the Chairman of Kantipur Media Group (KMG), a unified front comprising 32 editors representing diverse media entities has penned a stern letter addressed to Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal Prachanda. The missive, dispatched on Wednesday, serves as a collective denouncement of Sirohiya’s detention, raising profound concerns over the manner in which it transpired.

The editors minced no words as they articulated five pivotal points in their communication with the Prime Minister, flagrantly expressing their dissent against what they perceive as a “vindictive” approach towards Sirohiya’s arrest.

Chief among their grievances was the contentious circumstances surrounding Sirohiya’s apprehension from his office. They underscored the questionable nature of the accusations leveled against him, casting substantial doubt on their legitimacy.

“We view the incident of law enforcement entering and arresting an individual from a media establishment as an attempt to exert pressure and instill fear within the press,” remarked the editors in their letter, pointedly highlighting the perceived infringement on press freedom.

The editors lamented the absence of a comprehensive explanation or inquiry into the allegations leveled against Sirohiya, deeming his sudden arrest on purported technical grounds related to citizenship as exacerbating the ambiguity, relegating the matter to judicial adjudication.

Adding fuel to the fire, the editors redirected attention towards the citizenship status of Home Minister Rabi Lamichhane, alleging his prior possession of foreign citizenship upon assuming office. Despite subsequent acquisition of Nepalese citizenship, the editors contended that Lamichhane’s past duality warranted scrutiny and demanded accountability.

In a scathing indictment, the letter also accused Home Minister Lamichhane of exhibiting hostility towards the media fraternity, while also flagging mounting concerns over the rampant issue of cooperative fraud. The editors underscored the staggering misappropriation of billions of rupees invested by millions of Nepalis in cooperatives, leaving depositors in the lurch without due compensation.

The missive from the media coalition serves as a forceful call to action, imploring the government to address the myriad concerns raised, safeguard press freedom, and uphold the principles of transparency and accountability in governance.


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