Monsoon Set to Enter Nepal via Koshi Province in 10 Days, Experts Urge Preparations

Climate experts warn of impending monsoon arrival in Nepal, with projections indicating the entry through Koshi Province within the next ten days. Dr. Dharma Raj Uprety, a prominent figure in climatology, predicts a gradual westward expansion of the monsoon, with Sudurpashchim Province expected to experience its onset within 15 to 20 days.

Dr. Uprety emphasized the urgency for preparedness, citing the narrow window of one week left to brace for potential monsoon-induced disasters. With expectations of heightened rainfall this year, he called upon the government to mobilize resources promptly. Recommendations include maintaining standby rescue teams, ensuring logistical support, and stockpiling essential food supplies.

Addressing concerns of disaster management, Dr. Uprety urged collaboration among various stakeholders, including the Ministry of Home Affairs, Red Cross, and local authorities. He stressed proactive measures to safeguard communities against the anticipated challenges posed by the monsoon season.

In response to these warnings, the Red Cross Society has initiated preparatory measures across all 77 districts of Nepal. Mr. Umesh Dhakal, Executive Director of the Nepal Red Cross Society, confirmed directives issued to district-level units to enhance readiness for potential emergencies. Notably, over 50% of essential resources, including logistics and food supplies, have already been stockpiled in anticipation of the impending monsoon.

As Nepal braces for the monsoon’s arrival, concerted efforts are underway to mitigate risks and ensure the safety of vulnerable populations. Vigilance and proactive planning remain essential in confronting the challenges posed by nature’s unpredictable forces.


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