New Novel “Rowena Grubbly & The Tale of World Queen Astren” Released

A novel entitled Rowena Grubbly & The Tale of World Queen Astren was released during a function here in the capital. The novel, written in English by Hritzu Gautam, a Grade 10 student, was jointly released by former Chancellor of the Nepal Academy Ganga Prasad Upreti, poet Devi Nepal, and poet and critic Dipendra Adhikari.

While commenting on the book, critic Adhikari said, “The novel introduces readers to a magical land where young wizards and witches are trained to harness their powers and protect their realm. The protagonist, Rowena, known by her wizard name Silver Moon, embarks on a journey filled with peril and excitement. Once a victim of bullying, Rowena’s transformation into a powerful leader is central to the narrative.”

Adhikari argued that the book is good reading material for teenagers who enjoy magical and supernatural stories. The novel, set in a supernatural setting with imaginative characters, spreads a strong psychological message that no victim remains a victim forever; if they reveal themselves, they can become a leader.

Similarly, writer Upreti opined that Nepali writers writing in English should be promoted and supported from all sides. The author of the newly-released novel, Gautam, urged all readers to inspire her by reading and commenting on the book so that she could continue writing further.

The book was published by Saan Memorial Service Society and is priced at 300 rupees.


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