Parliamentary Deadlock to End by Tomorrow Morning, Says PM Prachanda

Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’ has declared that the parliament will reopen tomorrow morning, signaling an end to the recent obstructions. Speaking at a book launch event organized at the CPN-Maoist Center’s central office in Parisdanda on Saturday, Prachanda assured that ongoing discussions with various parties to lift the blockade are progressing positively and are expected to conclude by tomorrow morning.

Addressing the attendees, the Prime Minister emphasized his commitment to ensuring that the upcoming budget, scheduled for Jestha 15 (May 28), remains unaffected. He highlighted that his primary focus is on reopening the parliament to facilitate this crucial financial agenda.

“Currently, we are primarily in discussions with the major parties, mainly the Nepali Congress and the CPN-UML. I am confident that we will be able to conclude it by tomorrow morning,” Prachanda stated, reflecting optimism regarding the resolution of the parliamentary deadlock.

The Prime Minister underscored the importance of engaging with the ruling coalition parties, expressing his intention for a swift and effective resolution to the obstruction. This move aims to restore normalcy in the legislative process and ensure that the government’s key agendas, including the budget, proceed without further delays.


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