Pathibhara Temple Collects Rs 1.66 Million in Offerings During Jestha

Pathibhara Temple, located in Taplejung district, has reported a total of Rs 1.66 million in offerings collected during the Nepali month of Jestha. The temple received this substantial sum from devotees who visited to seek blessings and make donations.

According to Prajin Hangbang, Executive Director of the Pathibhara Area Development Committee, the entire amount of offerings has been meticulously deposited into the temple’s bank accounts. The committee, known for its commitment to transparency, regularly publishes detailed financial reports, ensuring accountability in managing the temple’s income.

During Jestha of the current fiscal year, Pathibhara Temple welcomed 228,896 worshippers, underscoring its significance as a spiritual and cultural center in eastern Nepal.

The consistent flow of devotees and their generous contributions highlight the enduring importance of Pathibhara Temple, not only as a place of worship but also as a vital economic contributor to the local community.


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