Petroleum Truck Drivers End Strike in Kathmandu Valley

After a tense standoff since Sunday, petroleum truck drivers have agreed to resume operations following negotiations with the Nepal Oil Corporation (NOC). The Nepal Petroleum Tanker Drivers Association, presenting a comprehensive seven-point demand, initiated the strike causing widespread disruption in fuel supplies across Kathmandu.

Key highlights of the agreement reached on Monday include the formation of a subcommittee led by NOC’s Deputy Managing Director to address the drivers’ concerns. This committee has been tasked with delivering a report within 15 days, outlining measures to improve wages and working conditions for tanker drivers and associated personnel.

The strike had led to extensive queues at fuel stations throughout the capital, exacerbating concerns over fuel shortages. With the resolution of the impasse, the public can anticipate a gradual normalization of petroleum product availability in the Kathmandu Valley.

The government, represented by Commerce and Supplies Secretary Dinesh Kumar Ghimire, played a pivotal role in mediating the discussions, underscoring the importance of sustainable solutions to maintain smooth energy distribution in the region.

As per the terms agreed upon, both sides expressed commitment to uphold the provisions outlined by the Nepal Oil Corporation, ensuring fair treatment and adequate support for all workers involved in the petroleum supply chain.


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