Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli Engages with National Women’s Volleyball Team, Commits to Enhancing Sports Infrastructure

Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli spent around two hours this morning engaging with the National Women’s Volleyball Team at his official residence in Baluwatar. The interaction focused on the team’s achievements, the need for further infrastructural development, and strategies to secure more victories for Nepal in international competitions.

The team, led by head coach Jagadish Prasad Bhatta, captain Aruna Shahi, Nepal Volleyball Association Chair Jitendra Bahadur Chand, and player Saraswoti Chaudhary, expressed their gratitude for the rare opportunity to have a close interaction with the head of the government over breakfast. “This is probably the first time we’ve had the chance to share a moment like this with the Prime Minister,” the team noted.

During the meeting, Prime Minister Oli acknowledged that he was unable to attend the final match of the recent CAVA Women’s Nations Volleyball Tournament due to an emergency Cabinet meeting. However, he assured the team that he is well aware of the aspirations, concerns, and demands of Nepali women athletes.

The Prime Minister reminded the team of the government’s decision to honor the players with a cash prize of NPR 300,000 each for securing the silver medal in the tournament. The team expressed their appreciation for the recognition of their achievements.

“The government may not have abundant resources, but we are committed to doing everything necessary to promote volleyball and support our athletes,” Oli stated. He also reiterated his commitment to building an international-standard volleyball covered hall in Nepal.

Reflecting on his previous interaction with members of the Russian women’s volleyball team, Oli shared that they praised the performance of the Nepali team and suggested that it has immense potential on the global stage.

As Nepal continues to make strides in international volleyball, the Prime Minister’s engagement with the team highlights the government’s support for sports development and its dedication to fostering talent in the country.


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