RPP Nepal Accuses New Coalition of Using False Pretext for Constitution Amendment

Rastriya Prajatantra Party Nepal (RPP-Nepal) has strongly criticized the recent formation of a new coalition aimed at constitutional amendment, labeling it as a futile pretext intended solely to consolidate power. Following a Central Working Committee meeting led by Kamal Thapa, RPP-Nepal issued a statement asserting the urgent need to consider federalism, secularism, and democratic alternatives as essential steps to rescue the nation from its current crises.

“The justification given for forming a new coalition to amend the constitution is merely a facade to legitimize their grasp for power,” the statement declared. “If the objective is genuine national liberation from crisis, it requires the boldness to explore federalism, secularism, and democratic alternatives.”

The party criticized the lack of internal deliberation and decision-making within their own ranks regarding constitutional amendment, emphasizing that superficial reforms alone cannot adequately address the deep-seated issues confronting the nation.

In what appeared to be a tongue-in-cheek jab at RPP-Nepal’s stance, they expressed support among segments of the populace advocating for the restoration of Nepal as a Hindu state with a monarchy, and opposition to the current provincial state structure, implying a lack of necessity for the proposed discussions.

“The purported discussions on constitutional amendment serve no purpose in shoring up a failed and corrupt system,” the statement continued.

Instead of focusing on superficial constitutional changes, RPP-Nepal urged a reevaluation of Nepal’s stance on secularism, democracy, and federalism. They called for national unity among all Nepalis to construct a political system, suggesting the convening of an all-party conference or solicitation of public opinion, echoing their demand for a broader, inclusive approach to address these critical issues.


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