Those who cannot give results should leave their responsibility: Minister Bhandari

Minister for Industry, Commerce and Supplies Damodar Bhandari has said that the government-owned Food Management and Trading Company Limited should be developed as a reliable and trustworthy organization.
Addressing the company’s fifth anniversary ceremony held here today, Minister Bhandari urged everyone to pay attention to make the food trading company a people-responsible organization.
Emphasizing that the questions raised on the government and the subordinate bodies should be answered with positive results, he said that those who fail to fulfill their responsibilities should leave the position.
Minister Bhandari questioned, “The Company should provide priority services in areas where there is a shortage of food items. Why is the company not able to intervene positively in the market and why is it not possible to expand the area of operation?”
Acting Chief Executive Officer of the company, Dilliraj Lamsal informed that 29,623 metric tons of food was transported and distributed in remote and inaccessible districts in the last fiscal year.
Informing about the product purchase and sale agreements with nine local levels for the protection and promotion of indigenous (Raithane) crops, he said that a mill has been established for processing, packaging and marking of food grains with the help of the Karnali province government.
He said that the company has sold 3,345 metric tons of food grains by operating fair price shops in 49 locations in 43 districts across the country to control the price increase of daily consumer goods. The best employees were honored at the ceremony.