Bulingtar Homestay in Nawalparasi District Emerges as Premier Tourist Destination

Located in Bulingtar rural municipality-4 of Nawalparasi district, a homestay operated by the Devchuli Chuli Bojha Magar community has emerged as a hotspot for both domestic and international tourists. Established in 2018, this homestay offers guests a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the rich culture, cuisine, and lifestyle of the Magar community.

Situated approximately 22 kilometers away from Daldale bazaar along the East-West Highway, the homestay derives its name from the nearby Devchuli Danda, a prominent hill within the Mahabharata range, and the Chuli Bojha village. Visitors are treated to authentic indigenous cuisines and captivating cultural performances by the proprietors, providing an authentic glimpse into the local way of life.

Secretary of the homestay, Hemlal Baral, highlights the enchanting landscape of the village, which serves as a magnet for tourists seeking refuge from the sweltering heat of the Terai region. Moreover, nature enthusiasts are drawn to the panoramic views of iconic mountains such as Machhapuchhre, Dhaulagiri, and Annapurna. The 1,936-meter-tall Devachuli Danda also beckons hiking enthusiasts, adding to the allure of the area.

With a total of 13 houses in the locality offering lodging services, the homestay attracts an impressive 50 to 60 guests on a daily basis. Notably, the proprietors allocate 10 percent of their income to the community user group, contributing to the promotion of the homestay and supporting various social causes.

As this hidden gem continues to garner attention for its cultural immersion and natural beauty, it solidifies its position as a must-visit destination for travelers seeking an authentic experience in the heart of Nepal.


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