Government Extends Retirement for Brigadier General Yam Bahadur Adhikari

The government has decided to halt the retirement of Brigadier General Yam Bahadur Adhikari of the Nepali Army. The Office of the Prime Minister and Council of Ministers has taken the decision to extend his tenure for three years in a special post, effectively preventing his retirement.

Brigadier General Yam Bahadur Adhikari, who attained the highest rank in the army, was originally scheduled to retire on September 18. He earned this rank for his significant role in accommodating former Maoist fighters into the Nepali Army.

When the integration of Maoist combatants into the Nepali Army took place, Adhikari received the prestigious rank of Colonel. However, his retirement date was imminent until a recent cabinet meeting intervened. The government sent a letter confirming the continuation of his service at the army headquarters.

Nepali Army Spokesperson Krishna Prasad Bhandari stated, “In the received letter, it is mentioned that his term has been extended by creating a special post as Brigadier General for a period of three years.” This decision ensures that Brigadier General Adhikari will remain in service for the foreseeable future.


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