Japan to provide career development opportunities for returnee migrants

Japan will help the government of Nepal by providing career development and entrepreneurship opportunities to returnee migrants coming back to Nepal from Japan.
The officials of Nepal and Japan on Thursday signed on this agreement.
Nepal’s Labour and Employment Ministry Joint Secretary Rajeev Pokharel and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Nepal Chief Okubo Akimistu signed a record of discussions for the Project on Career Development and Entrepreneurship Support Program for International Migrants.
“The project adopts a demand-driven approach that supports returnee migrants willing to acquire skills and competencies and further implement their acquired knowledge for establishing a productive business/career in Nepal, eventually contributing to the national economic development”, JICA Nepal in a press statement says.
The project plans to appoint mentors who continuously provide training to the returnees recipients for enhancing their capacity in career planning and entrepreneurship throughout the migration flow (pre-migration, while in Japan and after returning).
The project will be implemented from 2023 to 2027 by the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security, the Department of Foreign Employment and the Foreign Employment Board.