Buddha’s Teachings for Welfare and Peace of Humanity, Says PM Dahal

Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’ emphasized the importance of adhering to Gautam Buddha’s teachings for the welfare and peace of humanity. In a message delivered today, on the occasion of the 2568th birth anniversary of Gautam Buddha, Prime Minister Dahal highlighted the enduring relevance of Buddha’s sacrifices, thoughts, and practices.

Prime Minister Dahal remarked that Buddha’s teachings have gained global recognition and immortality as Buddhism, providing a path of non-violence, harmony, and human welfare. He stressed that following the teachings of Buddha could elevate national unity, tolerance, and mutual harmony.

The Prime Minister underscored the positive role that the general public can play in achieving the national aspirations of good governance, social justice, and prosperity. “In the present context, moving ahead with mutual harmony, collaboration, and unity in favor of human beings by following Buddha’s teachings would be a true respect towards Buddha,” his message stated.

Prime Minister Dahal expressed his hope that Buddha Jayanti would inspire everyone to embrace the philosophy of non-violence and fraternity. He extended his best wishes for happiness, peace, and prosperity to all Nepalis and Buddhists both at home and abroad on this auspicious occasion.


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