800K+ Drivers Face Penalties in 10-Month Period

The Kathmandu Traffic Police Office has taken stringent action against traffic rule violators, penalizing a staggering 804,272 drivers across Bhaktapur, Kathmandu, and Lalitpur in the past 10 months of the current fiscal year.

Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Jeevan Kumar Shrestha, spokesperson for the traffic police, revealed that these enforcement actions have resulted in the collection of Rs 578.4 million in fines from offenders. The crackdown reflects the traffic police’s commitment to improving road safety and adherence to traffic regulations in the Kathmandu Valley.

The significant number of violations underscores the ongoing challenges faced by traffic authorities in maintaining order on the increasingly congested roads. SSP Shrestha emphasized the need for continued vigilance and public cooperation to ensure safer driving practices.

“These figures highlight the persistent issue of traffic rule violations in our urban areas. Our efforts are geared towards not only penalizing the offenders but also educating the public on the importance of following traffic laws,” SSP Shrestha stated.


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