Coalition Government Forms Task Force to Draft Common Minimum Program

In a significant move toward establishing a cohesive governance framework, the newly formed coalition government has initiated the formation of a 10-member task force entrusted with drafting a Common Minimum Program (CMP) for the smooth operation of the administration.

The task force, comprising two representatives from each of the five political parties participating in the government, convened for its inaugural meeting on Sunday at the Ministry of Finance. The gathering marked the commencement of discussions aimed at outlining a comprehensive CMP to guide the government’s policies and actions.

The composition of the task force reflects a cross-party collaboration, with notable leaders from various political entities. Notable members include Vice-Chairman Bishnu Paudel and Bishnu Rimal from CPN-UML, Barshaman Pun and Janardan Sharma from the CPN-Maoist Center, and Swarnim Wagle and Mukul Dhakal from the Rastriya Swatantra Party.

Furthermore, representing the CPN-Unified Socialist Party are Rajendra Pandey and Ghanshyam Bhusal, while the Janata Samajbadi Party is represented by Manish Suman and Rajendra Shrestha.

This initiative underscores the commitment of the coalition government to foster consensus and collaboration among diverse political factions for the collective benefit of the nation.


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