Government’s Crackdown on Chinese App ‘TikTok’, Automatic Removal of Hateful and Malicious Posts

The Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of Nepal, has taken decisive action against the popular Chinese social media platform, TikTok, in a bid to safeguard the nation’s social harmony and protect its national interests. In a statement released today, the government highlighted the growing concerns surrounding the misuse of TikTok and the negative consequences it poses for individuals and society as a whole.

TikTok, like many other social networks, has undoubtedly become an integral part of modern life, playing a significant role in personal and social interactions. However, its misuse, particularly in the form of inappropriate and harmful content, has been on the rise, leading to grave consequences that include damaging reputations, disrupting peace and security, undermining ethnic, linguistic, and religious harmony, and negatively impacting national unity.

To address these pressing concerns, government agencies, including the Cyber Bureau of Nepal Police, recently met with representatives from TikTok’s office in Singapore at the Ministry of Home Affairs. The discussions involved high-ranking officials from the Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, security agencies, and international representatives from TikTok. The primary aim of this meeting was to devise strategies to automatically remove illegal and inappropriate content published and disseminated on the platform and to take legal actions against those responsible.

As a result of these deliberations, a comprehensive plan has been put into place to identify and remove content and activities that disrupt social harmony, promote hatred and enmity, dehumanize specific individuals or groups, undermine religious and social harmony, and involve obscene content. Legal actions will be pursued against the perpetrators of such activities to ensure accountability and deter future violations.

The government, in its statement, has made an urgent plea to all responsible citizens, urging them to contribute to this initiative by sharing only lawful and educational content that does not disturb social harmony. By doing so, citizens can play a crucial role in avoiding potential legal consequences for engaging in illegal activities on the platform.

This move by the Government of Nepal signifies a strong commitment to protecting the nation’s social fabric and upholding its values. It remains to be seen how this proactive approach will impact the use and regulation of social media in the country, but it undeniably marks a significant step toward maintaining social harmony and safeguarding national interests.


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