Rajendra Lingden Declares Non-Participation in Government for Remaining Parliamentary Term

In a pivotal development within the Rastriya Prajatantra Party (RPP), Chairman Rajendra Lingden has announced his decision to refrain from participating in the government for the remaining four years of the current parliamentary term. This decision was revealed during the central performance committee meeting, shedding light on internal divisions within the party regarding government participation.

The RPP finds itself grappling with a rift over the question of joining the government. Members who secured seats in the election are inclined towards government participation, while those who lost and are not Members of Parliament advocate for remaining in the opposition. Chairman Lingden now faces the challenge of navigating through these conflicting perspectives within his party.

The issue of government participation was a focal point during a recent party meeting, unveiling the ongoing split within the RPP. Chairman Lingden stated unequivocally, “I will not be in the government for the remaining four years of the term of parliament.” However, Lingden has not entirely ruled out the possibility of joining the government, leaving the door open for the RPP to make such a decision.

Mohan Shrestha, the party’s spokesperson, clarified that Lingden’s commitment reflects his personal decision, and the party’s official stance is yet to be finalized. Shrestha addressed speculation about a potential offer for the Prime Minister’s position, emphasizing that Lingden’s commitment pertains specifically to not becoming part of the government, thus allowing for other leadership possibilities.

While the RPP has not publicly discussed Lingden’s announcement, recent party actions, such as assuming the post of speaker in the Koshi government, indicate efforts to align with the ruling coalition. Despite the formal decision to coordinate with the alliance in the National Assembly elections, the coalition’s indifference has prompted ongoing RPP efforts to secure a National Assembly member in Koshi by considering a break from the alliance.


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