Actress-Turned-Producer Adds Poetry Judge to Her Resume!

In a remarkable and multifaceted journey, Nepalese actress Keki Adhikari has seamlessly transitioned from being featured in music videos to establishing herself as a film producer and a prominent name in the realm of reality television. Keki’s foray into production began with the film ‘Kohalpur Express,’ a testament to her evolving career trajectory.

Expanding her footprint in the entertainment industry, Keki took on the role of a reality show producer, spearheading the creation of the popular comedy show ‘Comedy Champion,’ directed by the talented Bishal Bhandari. However, Keki didn’t stop there; she also ventured into the domain of judging, showcasing her versatility in the world of entertainment.

After serving as a judge on ‘Mero Dance Universe,’ Keki has now confirmed her participation as a judge on the second season of ‘The Poet Idol.’ This decision comes as a replacement for actress Surakshya Panta, who occupied the judging panel in the show’s inaugural season. Keki will join the trio of male judges from the first season, Upendra Subba, Anup Baral, and Biplav Pratik, who have all returned for the upcoming season.

Directed by Aman Pratap Adhikari, ‘The Poet Idol’ is set to captivate audiences over 31 episodes, with the hosting duties falling on the capable shoulders of Divya Dev.

Despite Keki Adhikari’s diverse experiences as a model, actress, and producer, her recent venture into poetry judging has drawn skepticism from critics. Questions have been raised about the suitability of an actress to evaluate a poetry competition, given the distinct nature of singing, dancing, modeling, and poetry as art forms. Critics argue that Keki’s appointment has fueled doubts about the authenticity and credibility of reality shows that encompass varied artistic expressions.

The decision to bring Keki on board as a judge has not been universally well-received. Some critics have openly expressed their discontent, directing their criticism towards Aman Pratap Adhikari for what they perceive as an incongruous selection. Disappointment has been voiced, citing concerns that this move may have a detrimental impact on Aman Pratap Adhikari’s reputation, eroding the goodwill he has garnered over time.

The situation has led some to perceive an irony in reality shows, viewing them as manipulative platforms that exploit emotions for votes under the guise of entertainment. As Keki Adhikari gears up for her role as a judge in ‘The Poet Idol,’ the unfolding controversy has added an extra layer of intrigue to the upcoming season, leaving audiences and critics alike eager to witness how this unconventional move will shape the dynamics of the show.


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