Pratima wins Miss Magar International title

Pratima Alemagar has won the first ‘Miss Magar International 2023’ title. In the final competition held at Nepal Academy Kamaladi here on Saturday evening, she beat 12 other contestants to win the coveted prize. Along with title, she also won a cash prize of four hundred thousand rupees.
Similarly, Smriti Thadamagar became the runner-up and Kliya Thapamagar became the second runner-up in the beauty pageant competition. They won two hundred thousand and one hundred thousand rupees respectively.
Commenting after the win, Alemagar said to become a winner in very first season is a dream come true and also a matter of huge responsibility.
Malvika Subba, actress Miruna Magar, actor Anupavikram Shahi, model Rina Thapamagar, Himal Rana, Sanjog Lafamgar, Aligiva Punmagar and Rudra Sirijamagar were in the panel of judges that decided the winners.