Government Pledges Commitment to Economic Reform and Development

In a recent session of the House of Representatives, Minister for Finance Barshaman Pun articulated the government’s steadfast dedication to upholding good governance and transparency in economic affairs. Responding to queries during discussions on the appropriation bill for the fiscal year 2081-82, Minister Pun emphasized the government’s focus on achieving sustainable development goals in line with international obligations.

“The government remains resolute in its pursuit of rapid development and prosperity, attuned to the aspirations of our citizens,” Minister Pun affirmed. He underscored the government’s responsiveness to parliamentary feedback, ensuring that it informs policy formulation and budgetary decisions.

To combat economic stagnation, the government plans to expedite ongoing projects while maximizing domestic and foreign resources for development finance. Minister Pun highlighted the necessity of fostering an environment conducive to capital mobilization and ensuring synergy between fiscal and monetary policies.

Revenue reforms, prudent fiscal management, and the exploration of new avenues for foreign aid are earmarked strategies to address the fiscal deficit challenge. Additionally, policy and procedural reforms are slated to boost capital expenditure efficiency.

Minister Pun also outlined plans to harness concessional green finance, mitigate climate change impacts, and bolster national capital through domestic production incentives. Employment generation programs aim to stem brain drain and bolster the local workforce.

Education and healthcare remain focal points, with commitments to ensure access to quality education, resolve university-related issues, and expand healthcare coverage through insurance schemes. Moreover, a contribution-based social security scheme will encompass both local and overseas workers.

The government reiterates its dedication to managing resources for concluding the peace process and ensuring equitable distribution of state resources to uphold social justice.

The House of Representatives is scheduled to reconvene on March 31, underscoring continued parliamentary engagement in national development endeavors.


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