Tribhuvan International Airport Urges Passengers to Avoid Wearing ‘Khada’ and Garlands During Security Check

The Tribhuvan International Airport (TIA) Office has advised passengers traveling on international flights to refrain from wearing ‘khada’ and garlands during security checks. Khada, a traditional silk scarf used for farewells and welcomes, has caused issues at the airport.

General Manager Jagannath Niraula informed RSS that khada and garlands often get caught in X-ray machines, conveyor belts, and escalators, leading to damage and operational disruptions. He stated, “We have issued a notice requesting passengers not to use khada and garlands during security checks. Please place these items in your bags for inspection.”

Niraula also noted that discarded khada and garlands negatively impact the airport’s appearance. Passengers are encouraged to keep these items in their bags if they wish to bring them along.


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